Message from the Pastor

Dear Community,
Let us meditate on the scene of the young man who leaves home in search of freedom, independence, and pleasure, only to discover that the world does not offer the fulfillment he longed for.
Perhaps at some point, we have felt like him—lost, distant, seeking happiness in the wrong places. But let us observe what happens when he decides to return. He does not find reproach or condemnation but rather a father who runs to meet him with open arms, full of love and mercy.
Now, imagine that you are the one returning home. Feel the warmth of God's embrace, the joy of being received without conditions—His kiss, His mercy, and His forgiveness. No matter how far you have gone, His love has always been waiting for you. Let this certainty fill your heart. You are loved, you are forgiven, you are welcomed. God rejoices over you.
Blessed week to all.
Father Julio